Sunday, September 2, 2012

My Mini Vacation

I have officially been off work for over a week. It’s still very strange getting up and not getting ready to leave the house right away. In fact, I still am up at 6:00 when Chris gets up. I get dressed and have my coffee before the baby even gets up. I am hoping that this trend continues. Ezra is still in daycare right now (we paid till the end of the month). I used my time alone to organize the house, get some things done that would be much easier without a nosy toddler involved. 
This morning (okay, okay, it’s almost 11:00), I write from Starbucks in Blue Ash. I have had some emails to send, church things to type up, and honestly I have been so distracted at home that none of them have gotten done. As of right now, I’ve been sitting in this coffee shop for about 90 minutes and have gotten far more accomplished than had I been sitting on the couch at home. On top of all the above things that were mentioned I have also completed a list of things for Ezra and I to do in the next few weeks to keep our days from becoming mundane.

Autumn Activities for a Busy Toddler and Mama:
We will happily accept any other ideas that people have.

Go to the Zoo (we bought a Cincinnati Zoo pass and get free guests. If you have a free morning/afternoon let us know. We would love to take you to the Zoo.)
Renaissance Festival (no judgement please, I have never been and I love that kind of stuff)
Pumpkin Painting
Apple Orchard (still looking for a good one, the one that I used to go to closed)
Play in the Leaves
Visit the newJungle Jims

Labor Day Weekend

House is clean. Laundry is caught up. We have no scheduled plans. The Ultimate Trifecta (as my husband says).  So far, we have only left the house to do what we want.  It’s wonderful. A perfect way to begin this new chapter in our life; caught up, organized, and unobligated.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day weekend.

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