Thursday, March 13, 2014

Five Week Pictures!

 Not going to lie, I've been so self conscious about taking my before and after pictures that I've been taking them myself, while Hubby is at work and Baby Boy is sleeping. It's not that Hubby won't take the pictures, in fact he offers to help all the time.
I'm feeling excellent this week. All of the work is finally paying off and I'm starting to see results. Lots more exciting stuff has happened this week but I'll leave that for a later post. I just had to get these pictures up. Normally I would never share the second set of pictures with anyone but this quick 5 week transformation has really helped with my confidence. I always love seeing the progress of people on a diet, it's very motivating for me. At the very least, these pictures motivate me to keep going and hopefully motivate others to take the plunge and do something for them.
 First picture was taken in July on my birthday (no I don't normally smile like this, it was a goofy picture taken with my husband). The second picture was taken yesterday (I don't normally take selfies, I think they are tacky, but I was super excited).

The first picture was taken the first week of the program (February 3rd) the second picture was taken yesterday. I'll ask Hubby to take my pictures from now on. I know that they are fuzzy and just bad.

All I wanted to do was add pictures and give my weigh in update. Lots of exciting stuff happening in our life right now and I will put those things in my next post. Thanks for the support everyone!

Week Three: No Change
Week Four: -5 lbs.

Week Five: -3 lbs.

Total Loss: -20 lbs. and 18 inches

Until next time,

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

progress is progress is progress

What a couple of weeks! It’s been kind of crazy around here. Birthday celebrations, sick toddler, house guests, out of town friends, lots of distractions. I didn’t see any change in my weight from week 2 to week 3. Not going to lie, I was disappointed. I spoke with my health coach and she asked if I was drinking my water. I had no problem consuming the 120 oz. of water my first couple of weeks because I was still getting used to the amount of food was able to eat. When I was hungry and it wasn’t time to eat I would just drink my water. Now that I’m used to my 6 smaller meals a day I’m not as hungry and I really have to force myself to drink the necessary amount of water. My health coach said that because of my age I should be able to lose the amount of weight I want pretty quickly if I make sure to drink my water. So, week 4 I drank all the water I was supposed to and I lost 5 pounds! I also measured myself and noticed that I lost a total of 14 ¼ inches all over my body! I am now a believer that drinking all the water makes a huge difference.

Now that I’ve been on the program for a full month I feel like I’m able to share some tips (per request) that have helped me stay focused and make sure I meet all of my daily requirements.

1.     DRINK THE WATER. Drinking that much water a day can be a hard thing to do. I could never remember how many times I filled up my water bottle and because of that I think I was slighting myself. Now I measure out all my water for the day and put it on the counter in the kitchen. If I’m going to be at home all day I fill up a giant pitcher and just refill a water bottle from that. If I’m going to be out an about all day I fill up multiple bottles and take them with me.

2.     HYDRATE THE MEDIFAT MEALS. It’s no secret that the Medifast meals aren’t gourmet. However I’ve found rather than mixing the “hearty” meals with cold water and microwaving, that mixing them with boiling water, letting them rehydrate, then microwaving yields better results. At least for me.

3.     PICK A GOOD START DAY. Do not start before a big party or event that revolves around food. I think that if an event is over a month away I don’t think it will kill you to stop for a day but be ready MENTALLY to jump back on the ol’ Medifast band wagon the next day.

4.     CLEAN OUT THE PANTRY/FRIDGE. I cleaned out all the junk food in the house before I started Medifast. I also made sure that I had a bunch of Medifast Friendly condiments and salad dressings. (Hubby and Baby Boy were less than thrilled that all their junk food was banned from the house).

5.     IT DOESN’T LAST FOREVER. I think the biggest thing that keeps me motivated is this whole weight loss journey isn’t going to be a life long journey.  I can see light in the distance and I'm working toward a very attainable goal. I am using Medifast to be lose the extra weight then I’m DONE losing weight.
Also... I'm not trying to brag at all (okay maybe I am). I was going through my closet and saw a few pairs of jeans that I had when Hubby and I first got married (FIVE years ago). I don't know what possessed me to try them on, but they FIT!! I lost one full pant size in just ONE MONTH. I haven't fit in those jeans since before Baby Boy was born. It's been a good week.
Week Three: No Change
Week Four: -5 lbs.
Total Loss: -17 lbs. and 14 ¼ inches
Yay Me!!